Neurointervention depends on reviewers to assist the editor in determining the quality and suitability of manuscripts for publication. The purpose of these guidelines is to identify areas that warrant reviewers’ attention and to summarize the rating for evaluation.
With regard to the above points considered, it should be able to answer to the following questions.
When the manuscript is fully reviewed, it is encouraged to provide comments for each of the questions stated above. Other comments and suggestions are welcome. It is helpful for the authors and us to improve the quality of the manuscript.
Submitted papers are evaluated mainly on the basis of two sets of criteria: one is for scientific merit and originality, and the other is clinical applicability and interest to readers. After assessing these two aspects, the reviewer finally determines, from among the following list, the appropriate rating category.
The editor-in-chief will accept papers rated 4 to 5, consider the possibility of accepting those rated 3, and reject papers rated 1 to 2.